is the amount of space an object occupies. The
volume of an object can be calculated geometrically using mathematical equations
or by measuring liquid displacement. In
the experiment below you will measure the volume of a cube using the formula V=(side)x(side)x(side)
and by using a graduated cylinder to measure liquid displacement.
Case I.
Finding volume geometrically.
What is
the volume of the metal cube shown here (to the nearest tenth of a cm?
side of the cube is approximately 3.1 centimeters. How many inches does this convert
to (use 2.54 cm. = 1 inch)? A calculator is available to the right.
II. Measuring Volume using a graduated cylinder. It
is also possible to find the volume of an object by measuring the volume of water
that it displaces.
What will happen when we lower the above metal block slowly into a graduated
cylinder containing water?
was the amount of water displaced by the object? Before After
Please enter your answer in the space provided. If you need a calculator one
is available. to the right.
that both methods give fairly accurate values for the volume of the cube. Why
are the volumes not exactly the same for the two methods used? What are some factors
that will determine the accuracy of your measurements? How
does the volume of a cube vary with the area of one of its surfaces? With the
length of one side of the cube?Type
in any value for length and then click on one of the other boxes.
continue to the next chapter!
Please continue to the next chapter on density |